An evening spent at the recording of the BBC Radio 4 show with the ma. I can't decide what was more fun: seeing the recording or people watching? It truely was a sight to behold: 95% over 50 and white (hair colour and skin) a few anomalies plus me and my mum. Anyways it was a good night and they recorded two episodes so definately a bargin for £5 tickets!
And so the age old question of what to wear for the theatre rages on. In a time where people can wear jeans to work and some people don't own a suit it has become a style minefield to dress appropriately for this social occasion. Take last night for example: the men wore mostly trousers or jeans so that was fine. The women on the other hand were a mis match of jeans and tees, sequin tops, heels and sketchers, dangly earrings and boho bracelets. Some too over dressed and some not dressed up enough.
I ended up being more under-dressed but this was ok as the event was a recording for a radio show and quite informal. I'm going to the Curve on Saturday to see a play and am thinking chinos and sequin bolero so again that mix of casual and a bit of glitz!
Any thoughts on this? Do you think we should dress up more? I always think about Carrie in Sex and the city series 6, wearing those proper prom dresses and ballgowns for every occasion and looking fantastic! That was fantasy though. Here is my outfit so you can have a look:
Necklace: Rock 'n' Rose
Tunic: Yours
Jeggings: Yours
Shoes: Primark
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